“For the longest time, I thought I needed to be organized. Now I know that I just need less stuff.”
“Decide what kind of life you actually want and say no to everything that isn’t that.”
“Outer order contributes to inner calm.”
-Gretchen Rubin
Here are some of the tips that I learned as I decluttered my space:
I decluttered a little at a time. For example, I decluttered for 20 minutes if I had it or up to 2 hours on a weekend.
When deciding whether or not to keep an item, I asked myself if I would buy it again. If I would not buy it again, I donated it!
Decluttering was more enjoyable with another person. My husband and I like to declutter and organize our home together! (Two of You can help you as well!!)
I reminded myself that decluttering is a process. The clutter did not get there overnight and it will not disappear overnight either. It may take time and that’s ok!
I loved doing a version of those 30-day challenges in which for each day of the month, the same number of items is decluttered. So, for example, on day 15 of the challenge, 15 items were supposed to be decluttered and on day 16 of the challenge, 16 items were supposed to be decluttered. I was amazed at what I found to donate.
When I decluttered usable items, I asked my sisters if they wanted to look through them, and then I donated the remaining items to my church’s sharing room (called the “Clothing Penn”) or to a local donation center.
If I wasn’t ready to donate an item, I didn’t. I just made sure that there was enough room for the item without creating more clutter.
I made decluttering a regular practice. Each week I have a bag of things to be donated. I feel freer and my house is much neater because of this practice.
Nadine’s favorite tips to declutter pictures:
“If you went to the zoo and took pictures of animals or whatever, in 10 years will you remember that? So toss those and keep pictures of people.” Excellent, Nadine!! Thank you for this tip!!!
“Clean out the refrigerator the day before trash day weekly. That helps a great deal.” It sure does, Nadine! I plan to try it this week! Thank you!!
Bill and Christian’s favorite tips to declutter space:
“Stop buying stuff.” Yes! That is definitely a good tip, Bill!
“You can’t have clutter…if you don’t have stuff.” Yes, Christian! More truths about avoidable clutter!
Faith’s favorite tips to declutter her school and home space:
“For school-I can usually find a digital copy a lot faster. Distribute it digitally.” - Yes! Save the trees!
“For school - Toss all papers. Travel light-be ready to leave and not come back at a moment’s notice.” Yes, Faith!! It is easier to move when free!
“For home-I ask the question “do I still need this or can someone else enjoy it for a while?” Awesome! Yes. Someone else can enjoy it!
Promise’s favorite tip to declutter her space:
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:19-21. Yes! Thank you, Promise! God’s word helps us live free!
Here are some of the tips that I learned as I decluttered my time:
I reduced my time spent on social media, websites, or scrolling on my phone during the week. These activities use a lot of mental energy and eye power and I felt more productive when I got this time back.
I rearranged my schedule to make the front half of my week heavier than the end of my week because I am usually tired at the end of the week.
I now plan for a less demanding work week if my previous week and weekend were busy.
I learned what depleted my energy during the day (multi-tasking, useless complaining, wasting time, unproductive conversations, etc…) and worked to avoid it.
I planned for the next day by writing 1 to 2 main tasks that I wanted to get done the following day, excluding the non-negotiables such as exercise, going to work, eating, chores, etc…) and disciplined myself to complete them.
I started taking time to sit outside more during the week as an act of faith in my belief that the world will continue to spin if I take a break for 20 minutes.
I started talking out (with trusted individuals) or journaling about anything that was bothering me. This practice helped me get to the root causes of my concerns and process what had been going on in my mind.
I reduced the number of evening activities during the week. I miss these activities, but I now feel calmer during the week, am in bed on time, and then I am ready for an early start the next day.